Whitetail deer senses… need to know for hunting

A whitetail deer relies mainly on their smelling ability. The smelling tissue in their noses, and the section of the brain that processes smell is very highly developed. So next times you spot a deer notice the size of their nostrils, they are not just for show but a very effective way to stay clear of hunters.

Not as effective as their smell is their hearing, which is still incredible compared to a human. If you watch a deer you will notice how their large ears will swivel and move side to side. They have the ability to pinpoint where a noise originates from, and also each ear can work independently of each other. Combining these features of the whitetail’s ears is another weapon in its arsenal of defenses.

Lastly is the whitetail deer sense of sight, which can only be called well in comparison to its other senses. The part that actually makes this sense spectacular is the deer’s ability to notice movement. Make one false move and that whitetail most likely has spotted you unless it was not looking in your direction obviously. Remember to sit still, and make sure you are as comfortable as possible. Every hunter is different and only they know what works for them.

The large eyes of a deer can also see a wider range resulting in a greater ability to notice any stealthy incoming predators looking for a meal. From science class you may remember that eyes have cones and rods within them. Well a deer’s eyes have more rods than cones giving it the ability to see better during low light at dawn and dusk. This happens to be very active time for deer and predators, so definitely try your luck at these times during your next hunt.

On your next hunt remember the whitetail deer senses and which is greatest. In order, they are the sense of smell, sense of hearing, and the sense of sight. Also be aware that a deer may do a hoof stomp in order for you to give up your position, so try not to fall for this tactic. Good luck hunting and try to mask yourself as much as possible and prevent the deer from noticing you and alerting other deer in the area.

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