Black Bear Bow Hunting Does Not Have To Be Hard. Read These 10 Tips.

Black bear bow hunting is one of the most enjoyable adventures in the world. Have you been thinking of bear hunting, then consider bow hunting which does not require a lot of technical know how. However, black bear bow hunting could turn out to be a nightmare if you do not know the exact spot to aim when shooting the black bear. For a successful black bear hunting mission, there are several aspects to consider. Do not be discouraged; with the right hunting aid, hunting could turn out to be an easy undertaking.

The following tips will assist you as you go for your hunting adventure.

1. Placing cameras at strategic places will assist in locating and timing the movement of the black bear. For super quick spotting, place the scouting cameras near the baiting sites.

2. You can also use smell appealing spray or jelly near the bait. Once you know the kind of smell the bears like, you can spray/ smear jelly on a nearby tree to attract the bears.

3. Make sure your clothing is free from human scent or else the bear will run away after sensing your presence. Remember, bears have a very strong sense of smell.

4. Where to target and shoot on a bear is another very important aspect to put into consideration during your hunting adventure. Sometimes aiming at the right position is a problem especially to new hunters. You will need a device to assist in aiming at the exact spot. You can use Master target when shooting the bear.

5. You should also consider bear calling since some bears respond well to different distress calls. The calls can play a magic by drawing the bear’s attention to the source of the call.

6. A good tree stand also gives you an edge on black bear bow hunting. Instead of relying on existing tree stands, improvise a stand that suits your desire.

7. Do you want to get a big and best quality catch? Then you must be a good judge of sizes. This gives you an upper hand in your hunting expedition since you will know which bear to shoot and which not to shoot.

8. The outfitters you book with matters a lot. Always go for outfitters with good reputation if you want to enjoy your hunting expedition. Some outfitters lack some basic amenities necessary for black bear bow hunting.

9. You should consider the black bear population of the region you intend to visit. An eco system with crops, green forests, and lush wood provides the right atmosphere for big black bears.

10. Stop it! Shooting small and female bears will only keep away the big male bears. Always wait for the right catch at the right moment.

Click here for more information on our spring and fall bear hunting.

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